“From the Wild Sea” is an observational documentary which acts as an invitation to reflection and, ideally, introspection. Injured, stressed seals which need to be tube fed by the marine biologists team. Swans which are forced to take a foam bath, because this is the only way to wash away the oil which almost killed them. A beached whale on the coast of Ireland, which dies a slow death not just because of its wounds, but also due to its own weight. Animals which die because of the plastic wires they accidentally swallow. It’s difficult not to ask yourself how you contributed to all this and how you could eventually prevent it. While the camera focuses on the animals and their relationship with their saviours in overalls and medical gloves, who are themselves powerless sometimes, us, the others, appear only rarely and in the background; the damage has been done. Animals cannot talk, but they make sounds, writhe in pain interminably – even the help they receive is stressful for them – and look us deeply in the eye. A look which haunts you long after coming out of a cinema hall. (Sorana Stănescu)