“In this film, I shall be playing Orlando, the Virginia Woolf character”: the young LGBTQ+ community members who renowned philosopher and trans rights activist Paul B. Preciado selects for his directorial debut begin their speeches into the camera with an infectious serenity. Truth be told, ‘Orlando, My Political Biography’ does not present a series of miraculous appropriations – but a kind of homecoming for this transgressive character of modernist literature, one who defies all claims on the part of the establishment and any recuperation within heteronormative devices. By handing over the stage to young people both in open affirmation and in search of themselves, Preciado generates more than an absolutely necessary political gesture: he turns the camera, in fact, towards his own biography, reflected diagonally, vividly, in solidarity with all these voices that are following in his footsteps. In its flamboyance, in the ecstasy of youth that it cultivates without complication, adopting a pop form that mixes the reenactment, the archival image and the interview in an amicable manner, the film offers a welcome visibility to the radical position of following your own own path. (Victor Morozov)
Cinematography Victor Zebo
Editing Yotam Ben David
Screenplay Paul B. Preciado
Production Yaël Fogiel, Laetitia Gonzalez, Annie Ohayon-Dekel, Farid Rezkhallah
Sound Olivier Goinard, Arno Ledoux
Music Clara Deshayes
Producing company Les Films du Poisson
Distributor The Party Film Sales
AUDIO: French
SUBTITLE: Romanian, English
a film adopted by
Cinemateca Eforie
8:00 PM
Screening followed by a Q&A with the protagonist
Elios Levy
Elios Levy
Elios Levy is a transgender actor and author, trained at the Claude Mathieu theater school. He is part of several theater collectives and co-created with Louise Buleon Kayser the show Il faut bien Manger, which questions the relationship with norms and monstrosities.
Recently he worked with the director Alexander Zeldin in the theater show Une mort dans la famille.
Queer and feminist issues are at the heart of his artistic reflections, both in his research, his writing and the roles he chooses.
Cinema Elvire Popesco - Institutul Francez
6:00 PM
Screening followed by a discussion with Patrick Brăila - "Asociația Accept"